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“Empower Her Financially”

USAID CATALYZE Supports Women-led Businesses in Albania

In the Western Balkans, Albania is witnessing remarkable economic growth propelled by foreign investment, infrastructure development, and a thriving tourism sector. Despite this positive trend, women-led businesses encounter uneven opportunities. As in many Western Balkans countries, women-led businesses in Albania tend to be smaller, concentrated in the services sector, and often constrained by factors such as limited networks and historical gender biases.

While there is a growing recognition of the untapped potential of women-led small and medium-sized enterprises (W-SMEs), the conventional banking sector often leaves many W-SMEs underserved due to reliance on traditional evaluation criteria and products.

Pranvera Guxho, Senior Business Development Consultant at CBS, speaking at USAID CATALYZE Engines of Growth regional learning event in Belgrade, Serbia. Photo credit: USAID CATALYZE

In response, USAID CATALYZE Engines of Growth in the Western Balkans collaborates with local partners like the business advisory service provider Creative Business Solutions in Albania. Together, they implement the Catalyze Alternative Financing for Entrepreneurs (CAFÉ) project, aimed at fostering financial innovation and supporting W-SMEs. Through CAFÉ, tailored financial solutions, such as green financing, solar leases, and convertible bridge loans, are developed in collaboration with banks and financial institutions.

“In the Western Balkans, there is a huge gap between the financing the SMEs need and the financing they receive. There are not enough innovative alternative financing product instruments in the market. The banks want to invest in companies that are highly structured, but SMEs are not yet there. This is why we launched CAFÉ. We looked at three different components: the supply, the demand, and the connection between that supply and the demand. And CAFÉ is the bridge over that gap,” said Enio Jaco, CEO of Creative Business Solutions.

At the heart of the CAFÉ is the “Empower Her Financially” program, which provides comprehensive support to women entrepreneurs, addressing their specific needs in financial, operational, and social aspects. In collaboration with financial institutions (FIs) in Albania, gender-tailored products and services are designed to better meet the needs of women entrepreneurs and support their growth. Women-led businesses are analyzed as a separate and specific segment of the market. CBS then presents those that are excellent businesses cases to secure the more favorable loan conditions possible. The program brings additional benefits as well.

“Our program is designed to empower women entrepreneurs through partner financial institutions, by offering a comprehensive package that combines a loan with other essential products, including a package of current account, e-banking, and debit cards,” said Pranvera Guxho, Senior Business Development Consultant at CBS. “Beyond financing, the program supports business growth through training, marketing assistance, and other products such as savings accounts for their children. This holistic approach not only addresses immediate financial needs but also provides long-term support and much needed non-financial services for women entrepreneurs.”

“We tried to match the needs of this market segment [W-SMEs] with what financial institutions can offer, emphasizing that financing W-SMEs is not only the right thing to do but also a great business opportunity for FIs due to proven W-SMEs’ good risk profile.”

— Pranvera Guxho, Senior Business Consultant, CBS

The CBS “Empower Her Financially” and similar programs are about inspiring women and helping them overcome the often overseen “invisible” gender barriers. The programs also encourage financial institutions across the Western Balkans to introduce positive practices, such as “women champions” to inspire fellow businesswomen to grow in the business world.

So far, the impact of the interventions through CAFÉ is significant, with 246 SMEs benefitting from a total investment of $11.8 million, notably 238 W-SMEs received $10.8 million in funding.

By tailoring financial products, fostering collaboration, and incorporating a comprehensive approach, CAFÉ and USAID CATALYZE are supporting women entrepreneurs and unlocking the vast potential of W-SMEs.

Source: Medium.com


    CBS Zgjeron Shërbimet

    Zgjidhje të Zgjuara për
    Sfidat e Post Covid 19

    • CBS’s new identity builds upon the company’s model of innovation and business growth services.

    • CBS’s new identity builds upon the company’s model of innovation and business growth services.

    1 min read

    CBS Zgjeron Shërbimet
    Zgjidhje të Zgjuara për Sfidat e Bizneseve

    “Dinamikat e reja krijojnë presione por edhe mundësi për bizneset. Ne duam të sigurojmë që klientët tanë të përshtaten me këto sfida dhe të përfitojnë nga mundësitë e reja që po krijohen” shprehet Enio Jaço, Drejtor Ekzekutiv i CBS.

    25 Janar 2021

    Kompania ka aktivizuar një Rrjet Agjentësh në Terren.

    Creative Business Solutions (CBS) has expanded and adapted its services by offering solutions that respond to the new normal created by the Covid 19 pandemic. After seven years of experience in implementing successful projects that integrate and develop businesses, the company changed its philosophy. In January 2021, CBS embarked on a transformation process in delivering sustainable solutions directly to businesses. The change focuses on the provision of new Consulting services including increased Access to Finance and the advancement of Technology, Innovation and Digitalization over strategic development sectors; Agriculture, Banking System, Financial Institutions and Tourism.

    “CBS ka në fokus shërbimet e konsulencës që ndihmojnë klientët tanë të bëhen të suksesshëm në një mjedis të ri të të bërit biznes të krijuar nga pandemia Covid 19. Dinamikat e reja krijojnë presione por edhe mundësi për bizneset. Ne duam të sigurojmë që klientët tanë tw përshtaten me këto sfida dhe të përfitojnë nga mundësitë e reja që po krijohen” shprehet Enio Jaço, Drejtor Ekzekutiv i CBS.

    Riorganizmi i Creative Business Solutions parashikon shtrirjen e shërbimeve në vendet e Ballkanit Perëndimor duke nisur si fillim me Kosovën dhe Maqedoninë e Veriut, dhe me perspektivën e zgjerimit të mëtejshëm në rajon. Zgjerimi i Rrjetit të CBS dhe koordinimi i Ekipit Zhvillimi i kompanisë në drejtime të reja, ka sjellë ndryshime dhe një përshtatje të re për burimet njerëzore të CBS. Gjatë procesit, ekipi i CBS i’u nënshtrua trajnimeve profesionale dhe komunikimit të vazhdueshëm mbi konsolidimin e konsulencës dhe mënyrën e re të ofrimit të shërbimeve. Në mbështetje të procesit, kompania ka ngritur një njësi të re aktive e cila po zhvillon takime në terren si dhe komunikim të vazhdueshëm me biznese të sektorëve strategjik. Rrjeti i ri i kësaj strukture përbëhet nga 10 agjentë shërbimesh në terren, mbi 20 ekspertë të jashtëm nga sektori financiar si dhe aleanca nga palë të treta. Kompania është në partneritet me kompani ndërkombëtare me eksperiencë në shërbimet teknologjike, digjitalizim dhe konsulencë financiare. Rreth CBS dhe Impaktit të saj CBS Creative Business Solutions u krijua në vitin 2012 si një organizatë konsulence biznesi për të ofruar këshillim dhe për të krijuar zgjidhje për sipërmarrjet lokale, organizatat, donatorët dhe Insitucionet Financiare. CBS implementoi në mënyrë të suksesshme 18 projekte të mëdha me një buxhet të kombinuar prej 7.8 milionë USD duke ndihmuar zhvillimin e sektorit të Bujqësisë, SME-të, sektorin e Financës si dhe Turizmin. Kompania ka lehtësuar përmes shërbimeve të saj të konsulencës dhe implementimit të projekteve, një total prej 88 milionë USD për 400 SME duke gjeneruar një vlerë prej 56.5 milionë dollarë investime, 43.3 milion të ardhura të reja dhe 2472 vende të reja pune.

    CBS Network Expansion and Team Coordination

    The transition phase brought changes and a new structure of CBS’ human resources. During the process, the CBS team underwent both professional training and ongoing communications on consultancy consolidation and the new way of delivering services. In support of the process, the company has set up a new active unit which is holding field meetings as well as ongoing communication with businesses in strategic sectors. The new network of this structure consists of 10 field service agents, 20 external experts from the financial sector and alliances from third parties. The company has entered into partnerships with international companies with experience in technology services, digitalization and financial consulting. About CBS and its Impact CBS, Creative Business Solutions was established in 2012 as a business consulting organization to provide advice and solutions to local businesses, organizations, donors and Financial Institutions. CBS has successfully implemented 18 large projects with a combined $7.8 million budget with multiple international donors in Agriculture, Finance, SME development as well as Tourism. The company facilitated a total of $88million in financing for over 400 Albanian SME’s, generating a total of $56.6 million in investments, $43.3 million in new revenues and 2472 new jobs through project implementations.
