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Promotional, Transparent and Responsible Work Environment

Modeli i biznesit të CBS dhe fryma e Ekipit mbështetet në: a) Promovimin e talenteve të reja profesionale, b) Transparencës së organizatës në vendimarrje dhe komunikimit të drejtpërdrejtë si dhe c) Kombinimit të lirisë dhe përgjegjësisë, që idetë më të mira profesionale të sjellin performancë të lartë tek klientët.

CBS | Increase Talent Density Culture

Increase Talent Density Culture

CBS aims to attract, cultivate and develop, new talents with professional ambitions and personal mission to be successful in their work building a career. CBS considers their employes an asset to create a successful future in performance enhancement.

CBS | Innovation for Service Perfection

Innovation for Service Perfection

In CBS culture, the passion and dedication of employees to align with the company's core focus is a top priority. The Client is at is Center. Under this focus, the CBS team works to adapt creative ideas and continuous innovation to perfect services and products that bring faster development.

CBS | Transparency and Direct Communication

Transparency and Direct Communication

The company applies the principle of "Open-minded" behavior with the team. The relationship with employees is transparent, with direct communication in the exchange of opinions for performance at work, recognition of any decision-making that affects the company in its current state and future plans.

CBS | More Freedom. More Responsibility.

More Freedom. More Responsibility.

At CBS, every employee is a leader in the position they represent. Playing an important role in the overall efficiency of the company. Respecting the value of leadership at every level, CBS entrusts its employees with the freedom to give ideas and the responsibility to decide according to the context of each situation.

CBS | Empowering Women in the Workplace

Empowering Women in the Workplace

CBS supports the creation of an environment and opportunities that empower women. Over 50% of the CBS team is made up of girls and career women involved in leadership roles.

CBS | Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity and Inclusion

CBS employees during their professional performance show no preference or discrimination against anyone, for any reason. The CBS team is comprehensive and dedicated in communicating with clients and partners.

CBS | Confidentiality and Data Protection

Confidentiality and Data Protection

Clients 'or partners' personal information as well as CBS documents are treated as confidential at all times. Employees may not disclose information classified as confidential neither internal correspondence with third parties outside the company.

CBS | Conflict of interest

Conflict of interest

Each member of the CBS team is obliged to prevent and not engage in any form of conflict of interest between the tasks assigned by the company and their private interest.

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