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Strengthening the base of export-oriented agricultural and food processing companies in Macedonia and Albania.

CBS is implementing the USAID Regional Economic Growth (REG) project B-REDI Competitiveness – Agricultural Acceleration Program with the objective to increase and strengthen the base of export-oriented agricultural and food processing companies in Macedonia and Albania.

The program provides training and technical assistance to agricultural companies to improve their internal capacity for analyzing and approaching markets and increasing linkages with regional and international buyers.The first Phase of the Acceleration program initiated in 2017, with 10 companies in Albania and 10 companies in Macedonia. Groups consisted largely of second-tier (3-10 years old) and relatively inexperienced companies, though some more well-established companies with strong export potential also participated.

The acceleration program offered two separate training modules (classroom-type) in parallel with tailored one-on-one mentoring sessions with companies to train and assist them to develop their Strategic Export Marketing Plan (SEMP). REG combined its own expertise with local partners in each country, including CBS in Albania.

REG is continuing its activities both in Albania and Macedonia with new companies. Working with the same local firms, second group of 10 companies in Macedonia and Albania will be selected. CBS and partner project team will encourage companies from all regions to take part in the program for a more balanced distribution across the respective countries.

This project is funded by USAID, supported by REG, and implemented by CBS

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